Our Airlink 100 service will be moving from its current location on South St David Street to Waverley Bridge from Sunday 30 June.
In addition to the terminus point change in the city centre, there will be an additional stop city-bound on Hanover Street, and minor changes to the timetable.
Timetable information is available below.
Departures from Waverley Bridge
00:20 00:35 00:50 then every 20 minutes until 03:10 03:25
03:40 then every 8 to 10 minutes until 00:10
Departures from Edinburgh Airport, stop A
01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 then every 20 minutes until 03:45 04:00
04:12 then every 8 to 10 minutes until 00:50
Journey time between Edinburgh Airport and Edinburgh City Centre: 30 minutes