Working late or having an early start to the day? Most of our night services run from around midnight until 4.30am every day. Lothian NightBus services cover most of the city, with Lothiancountry and EastCoastbuses night services reaching areas outside of Edinburgh.
More details about our night services can be viewed on our Timetables page or on the map below. Please note that night services have different fares from daytime services – full details of these fares are below.
Fares & Tickets

Valid for one single journey on any night service in the city zone (city a/county b zones on EastCoastbuses and city/cityWEST zones on Lothian Country). Multiple journeys are capped at the LATEticket price.
Unlimited journeys on daytime services after 6pm and on night services until 4.30am in the city zone (city a/county b zones on EastCoastbuses and city/cityWEST zones on Lothian Country)
Unlimited journeys on Lothiancountry night services in countryWEST and cityWEST zones (Lothian Country only)
Unlimited journeys on Lothiancountry night services in all zones and on Lothian NightBus services
County NightHawk
Unlimited journeys on EastCoastbuses night services in county zones b-f (EastCoastbuses only)
CountyPLUS NightHawk
Unlimited journeys on EastCoastbuses night services in all zones and on Lothian NightBus services
Network DAYticket
Unlimited journeys on daytime services and night services until 4.30am in all zones across our network
Ridacard offers unlimited travel within city and cityWEST zones on Lothian and Lothiancountry NightBus services, as well as city zone a and county zone b on EastCoastbuses NightHawk services.